Monday, July 9, 2012

EL PINALITO QRO. Trails and society

EL PINALITO QRO. by Mexico Bike Tour
EL PINALITO QRO., a photo by Mexico Bike Tour on Flickr.

Trails and people, by building trails in rural Mexico we expect a possitive impact in SOCIAL LANDSCAPE it is not only about enjoying nature but to offer young rural habitants a way TO LIVE OUT OF CRIME OPTIONS Los senderos construidos en el Pinalito son al momento los mejores que he construido en mas de 12 años.

Los leñadores, los migrantes, la gente mas capaz y valiente, la pobreza, el carbon, la fauna, las vistas, las caminatas, mi amigo Juvencio y un paisaje increible

Social and vegtal biodiversity at EL PINALITO QRO.

Biodiversity, conservation and social demands in the beatiful Mexican rural landscape. 9 of the local trail builders had spent some time in jail in the US, for driving without license or for crossing the border and being cought a 3rd time. EL PROYECTO DE CONSERVACION DEL PAISAJE EN EL PINALITO QUERÉTARO ME DEJO UN MONTON DE AMIGOS Y LA EXPERIENCIA CON LOS MEJORES CONSTRUCTORES DE SENDEROS EN AÑOS, UN GRUPO INTERESANTISIMO DE HOMBRES DE LA LABORCILLA QUE POR FALTA DE TRABAJO MIGRAN AL NORTE CON ENORME VALENTIA Y HABILIDAD.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Urbaneria 2012

urbaneria 2012 by Mexico Bike Tour
urbaneria 2012, a photo by Mexico Bike Tour on Flickr.

Green Infrastructure at La Paz Baja California, of the many workshops I have been invited to conduct, Urbaneria at La Paz had a great mix of all ages people participating, along all participants cohesion was the major gain in the touristic city that faces great landscape challenges between mining an tourism is daily life looking for a shade and a bike way that arises as poetry. Infraestructura Verde y URBANERIA en La Paz BCS organizado x Lucia Corral

urbaneria 2012

urbaneria 2012 by Mexico Bike Tour
urbaneria 2012, a photo by Mexico Bike Tour on Flickr.

Again, the only way to build the social landscape is by participation technology, my favorite trick of the nails worked perfectly as usual with the unique combination of "tacos de marlin" and other local delicious food. Construccion social del paisaje en URBANERIA 2012 La Paz BCS

urbaneria 2012

urbaneria 2012 by Mexico Bike Tour
urbaneria 2012, a photo by Mexico Bike Tour on Flickr.

Art as usual becomes some of the most atracting isues for local urban interventions.

Antonio Suarez (FEBO)

Never tought my name would be writen like this.